This quiz is dedicated to the amazing and diverse Marvel Universe. You will face over 100 questions that will test how well you know this world. As you progress, you will encounter Superheroes many times who have valuable advice prepared for you. They will help you move forward. Remember, each question has exactly one correct answer. And each mistake will cost you hearts. Additionally, each mistake will keep you from your next meeting with a Superhero. But dont despair if you lose all your hearts. Youll always have one last chance. Be attentive! And good luck!
The wizard Elion
Prison Escape Online
Memory and Vocabulary of Fruits
Christmas Gift Match
Haggo Jaggo Runner
Water Slide Adventure
Infinity Cat Adventure Runner
Division Bird Image Uncover
Goodnight My Baby
Halloween Pop It
Racing Gun
Smashy Bird
Zoological Zeppelin
Wheel of Bingo
Find The Color
TicToc Urban Outfits
Two Colored Ballz
Letter Popping
Noob and Pro Monster School
Juicy Tic Tac Toe Battle
Pogo Peggy
Angry Impostor
Reef Connect Challenge
Mahjong Sort Puzzle
Nugget Man Survival Puzzle
Footbag Fanatic
Impostor Stealthy Ninja
Pumpkin Spikes
Frosty Quest
Deep Space Idle